"On this river there is great traffick in the skins of beavers, otters, foxes, bears, minks, wild cats, and the like. The land is excellent and agreeable, full of noble forest trees and grape wines, and nothing is wanting but the labor and industry of man to render it one of the finest and most fruitful lands in that part of the world." -Johan de Laet, New World. 1625-
Saturday, November 15, 2008
"On this river there is great traffick in the skins of beavers, otters, foxes, bears, minks, wild cats, and the like. The land is excellent and agreeable, full of noble forest trees and grape wines, and nothing is wanting but the labor and industry of man to render it one of the finest and most fruitful lands in that part of the world." -Johan de Laet, New World. 1625-
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Nearly four hundred years later you can't find trees and grape. It's changed a lot. Now all is very different than the year 1625.
To see the difference is the purpose of this post.
This age in 1625. I think, today thrse rivers onely sails people, the people sometimes look at animal
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